Granite Hill Elementary School


School Info

Granite Hill Elementary School is located on 9371 Granite Hill Drive Jurupa, CA 92509 and was originally built in 1992. The Site Restroom Building was constructed in 2003 and the Portable Building 30 was added in 2006. Most buildings had some upgrades and additions since their original construction. Granite Hill Elementary School currently sits on 10.8 site acreage 45,245 square feet of building area. There are 12 buildings on site, at 1-2 stories in height, built of steel and wood frame with stucco and wood facades.


Mission Statement

The Granite Hill Elementary School Team is committed to providing a positive safe learning environment where each individual can achieve his/her maximum potential through a policy of high expectations where esteem and respect are nurtured and supported by a structured and consistent school-wide program. Granite Hill has adopted AVID foundation skills to support the commitment to prepare all students for college and career ambitions. Students and parents are encouraged to partner with the school to support setting goals, providing resources and trainings for various career options, and implementing workshops on college preparedness to further inform individuals about choices available.​


Site Data
Current Grade Configuration TK-6
Site Acreage 10.8 Acres
Building Area 45,245 SF
Parking Spaces 94
Year Built 1992
Permanent Classrooms 16
Portable Classrooms 14
Total Classrooms 30
Current Enrollment (2019-2020) 478
Projected Enrollment (2029) 352
Total Capacity 750



Capacity Assessments

Facility Assessments

FCA Report

Probable Cost

Cost Summary