Rustic Lane Elementary School


School Info

Rustic Lane Elementary School is located on 6420 Rustic Lane Jurupa, CA 92509 and was originally built in 1958 and portables added in 1998. Rustic Lane Elementary currently sits on 11.1 site acreage with 51,580 square feet of building area. There are 24 buildings on site 1-story buildings, built of mostly wood frame structure with stucco and wood exteriors.  The portables are conventional wood frame structures and have raised floors with painted wood and aluminum window facades.


Mission Statement

All Rustic Lane students will receive strategic instruction to master California State Standards as measured by ongoing collaborative assessments. Students will be supported and challenged academically and socially in a safe environment.​​

​We are committed to establishing a school culture which recognizes no limitations in the achievement and success of each student.


Respect, Ownership, Attitude, Responsibility


Site Data
Current Grade Configuration TK-6
Site Acreage 11.1 Acres
Building Area 51,850 SF
Parking Spaces 67
Year Built 1958
Permanent Classrooms 19
Portable Classrooms 18
Total Classrooms 37
Current Enrollment (2019-2020) 604
Projected Enrollment (2029) 500
Total Capacity 925




Capacity Assessments

Facility Assessments

FCA Report

Probable Cost

Cost Summary